Homeopathic Treatment Instructions


You’ve been prescribed your homeopathic medicine(s) and you’re keen to get started… let’s make sure you get the most out of your homeopathic treatment by following a few key instructions.


Homeopathy is energetic medicine so store the remedies away from energy sources and strong flavours/aromatics, including:

  • Electro magnetic fields (EMF) like WIFI, mobile phone and above/close to the fridge

  • Essential oils

  • Direct sunlight

  • Anything strong like magnets, motors, etc.

Best to store them in a cool, dark place (like a kitchen cupboard). Keep out of reach of children.


To take a dose of liquid homeopathic remedy, there’s two options:

  1. Add 2-3 drops of the remedy under the tongue

  2. Add 2-3 drops of the remedy to a small glass of water, stir it and take a few sips. A few sips is one dose. This is a great way for children and those that are picky/sensitive to take a remedy.

It’s important that before you take a dose of a homeopathic medicine that you bang the bottle vigorously onto the palm of your hand, about 3-5 times before taking a dose. This activates the remedy, so to speak.

Occasionally I prescribe homeopathic remedies in small pills. You can take 5 pills for one dose. Either take the pills directly under the tongue (without touching them), so you may need a clean, stainless spoon, or you can add 5 pills to a small glass of water, stir the water and take a few sips. A few sips is one dose. Please note that the pills won’t dissolve.

Lastly, it is best to take a homeopathic remedy 5 minutes away from all things, including another homeopathic remedy, supplements, food, drinks and even toothpaste.

If you have questions about your homeopathic treatment, speak to Olivia, or your homeopath. To book a homeopathic consultation or the fertility program, click here

olivia mcfadyen - homeopath, naturopath
Olivia McFadyen - homeopath
Olivia McFadyen