8-week program


I know you want to get your health and life back and finally get answers to your health issues.

You’re already doing all the ‘right’ things but not making progress. You care so much about health and wellness, yet you’re ready for a change.

If you want to break the cycle, regain energy, balance hormones and recalibrate your immune system and thrive, you need to go deeper than other modalities and treatment strategies - you need homeopathy, which can be an untapped avenue for acute and chronic health issues. Now, homeopathy isn’t new - it’s still the second largest form of medicine in the world (World Health Organisation).

Homeopathy is energetic medicine - think of it as similar to liquid acupuncture. Cells are made up of molecules, which create energy so the body can function. An energetic distortion in the body can drive imbalances, fatigue, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, immune issues, inflammation and chronic disease. In homeopathy, we use energy and frequency from nature, to trigger the body’s innate healing response.

The problem is you’re not getting answers or results. You’ve spent countless hours googling or reading about new diets/supplements. You’ve tried other therapists, modalities and options, but they haven’t really got you or made a difference. 

I know how easy it is to get stuck on individual symptoms, and miss why you’re actually unwell. And that makes you feel frustrated that everyone seems to be missing the concept of whole health. They’re working on your symptoms or the surface level and not looking at the actual root cause(s) of your issues, which would shift the cycle you’re stuck in, and unlock true healing.

You don’t need to try another elimination diet or exxy supplement - let’s cut through the BS, get back to basics and restore your health.

I know how it feels to be silently exhausted and have no idea how to get better or where to turn for actual health advice.

You can finally get answers from a qualified, accredited and experienced Homoeopath and Nutritionist, who is also your number one cheerleader and accountability partner.

And this is why in the past twelve years I’ve helped so many patients restore their gut, immune function, hormones and health, using homeopathy, to restore their health.  Within weeks I have clients that have resolved ongoing gut issues, transformed recurrent skin conditions including warts, cold sores, eczema and molluscum, addressed chronic allergies and put an end to crippling fatigue. 

And this is exactly why I created Restore.


It’s for you if:

  • You’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed in your health and don’t know where to turn to.

  • You want to get results, using simple strategies you can use again and again to keep momentum.

  • You want me in your corner - a highly experienced natural medicine practitioner that will guide, educate and inspire you, all whilst keep you accountable in a no-fluff, supportive kind of way.

    • You’ve got an acute or chronic health challenge such as:

      • hormonal imbalances including an irregular cycle, PMT, endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, perimenopause or menopause

      • recurrent miscarriage(s) or fertility challenges

      • preconception planning and pregnancy support

      • family health

      • skin issues including eczema, psoriasis, acne, warts, molluscum and skin tags

      • thyroid dysfunction

      • anxiety, depression and mood swings

      • non-stop bloating, IBS, diarrhoea, constipation or reflux

      • crippling fatigue

What’s included:


One-on-one support: 3 x 1:1 consultations with me (over 8 weeks), which includes a personalised health plan with your homoeopathic prescription and nutrition strategies. This gives you answers, clarity and doable strategies to create new habits and get results.. Plus lifestyle tips and natural medicine recommendations, as needed.

Plus: weekly email support between consultations is also offered so you can keep momentum between sessions and get any questions you have answered.

(value: $920)


Delivered inside our online learning portal, you will be given access to my step-by-step program that captures my decade of clinical experience, naturopathic philosophy, nutritional framework and lifestyle medicine (with the latest evidence based research) all rolled into 3 self-paced online learning modules, with an eBook, meal ideas, recipes and daily checklist, so you can accelerate healing and create strong foundations of health.

You'll learn:

  • How homeopathy heals

  • 5 key pillars of health

  • Nutrition 101

  • How to create a nourishing plate at meal times

  • Macronutrients

  • Digestion + metabolic tips

  • Mindset strategies to break the cycle, stop self-sabotage in its tracks and create a space for new foundations of health.

  • Practical, simple and doable tips so you never get stuck in the doing.

(value: $899)



You’ll receive personally prescribed homoeopathic medicines to support you for the duration of the program. This includes up to three homoeopathic medicines and express postage after you initial consultation for Aus residents (if you’re overseas additional shipping fees apply).


You’ll receive immediate access to my foundations in food eBook, which includes my five key pillars of health, pantry staples shopping list, and a collection of healthy, easy meals, including the banana bread smoothie, pulled pork tacos recipe and the most popular recipe of all - a fuss-free, healthy lemon tart recipe.

Total value including all the bonuses


Your investment
