

We often think that it’s all or nothing, or one or the other. BUT it is possible (even in today’s fast paced world) to feel both calm and mentally alert.

L-thenine is an amino acid that is shown to improve concentration and mental alertness, whilst promoting a deep sense of relaxation.

I use it in clinic for symptoms of ADHD, ODD, restlessness, anxiety and sleep issues.

There’s three main ways L-theanine works:

1. Crosses the blood-brain barrier and affects GABA receptors.

GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, known for its calming effects. GABA is known as ‘the brakes of the brain’ - it’s works like using brakes in car - the right timing and pressure of the brakes can slow your car down.

2. GABA influences dopamine and serotonin in the brain.

3. Stimulates the production of alpha brain waves, creating a sense of deep relaxation and mental alertness.

Actions of L-theanine:

  • Anti-anxiety

  • Cognitive enhancing (scientific data and research shows theanine can improve cognitive function here)

  • Assists relaxation

  • Supports mental concentration, focus and clarity

  • Relieves symptoms of stress (scientific data and research show how effective theanine can for acute stress here)

To use L-theanine:

L-theanine is a practitioner-only prescribed supplement - please speak to your practiitoner or book a consultation with Olivia.

L-theanine is available in a powder and capsules.