Chronic Disease + Generational Trauma


Have you ever wondered why some people do all the ‘right’ things but suffer from anxiety or ongoing immune issues like cold sores, hayfever or allergies? It’s often not just about you - your ancestors can pass disease patterns and trauma down the line, which can essentially block you from true health or healing. The good news is, homeopathy can help clear some genetic predispositions.

Have you heard the expression that “your genes load the gun and the environment pulls the trigger”? Science recognises just how powerful the environment is - our thoughts, food choices and behaviours can all influence how our genes behave. Although we can’t change DNA sequence itself, we can change how the body interprets that DNA sequence. Genes can be switched “on” and “off” based on the environment. This is the core of epigenetic.

We also know that traumatic events can change the way our genes work.

Trauma may also be inherited from our ancestors (even though we ourselves didn’t experience it). An example here is the results of intergenerational effects on offspring of Holocaust survivors, showing they have elevated cortisol levels and a heightened stress response. (See the research here) What the research shows us is that even though the offspring of Holocaust survivours didn’t experience the horrors of the Holocaust, they inherited symptoms similar to PTSD and were born with a heightened stress response due to their ancestors trauma.

Any stressor or trauma can have a biological response - pathological changes and the dis-ease can develop as a trauma response, which be passed down.

Samuel Hahnemann, the Father of Homeopathy, recognised this concept when working with patients - he could see that sometimes people weren’t healing as expected even when they were prescribed the most indicated homeopathic medicine. He could see there was a blockage to true healing, and that the obstacle to cure was possibly related to absorbed/inherited predispositions from family. Disease patterns and generational trauma can be passed down the family line.


There are five miasms, which are five groups of chronic diseases which can come down family lines:

  1. Cancer miasm

  2. Syphilitic miasm

  3. Psoric miasm

  4. Sycotic miasm

  5. Tuberecular miasm

These miasms come from the original disease, for example, the tubercular miasm comes from tuberculosis. The homeopathic medicine, Tuberculinum, doesn’t contain any physical substance of tuberculosis, instead what remains is an energetic blueprint of Tuberculosis. Given “like cures like”, the Tuberculinum homeopathic medicine can help the body clear the genetic predisposition and trans-generational effects of tuberculosis, and stimulating healing.

Patients that are given a miasmatic homeopathic usually don’t have active cases of that miasm - for example, someone that presents with a syphilitic picture, often won’t have active syphilis, but an ancestor may have had syphilis and they’ve passed down the potential for the syphilis-related presentations, such as tongue tie, varicose veins, and/or mental health issues including depression and anxiety. The person with these presentations can have a breakthrough when they start taking the relevant miasm (i.e. syphilinum )

Two of the most commonly prescribed homeopathic medicines I prescribe in my clinic are nosodes related to miasms- carcinosinium (cancer miasm) and syphililuym (syphilis miasm).

The cancer miasm

Can include the presentation(s) and/or family history of:

  • history of cancer in the family

  • may have overgrowths such as moles

  • chronic fatigue syndrome and general exhaustion.

    • it may be related to “never well since” a stressor/virus, such as glandular fever or long-COVID.

  • emotionally may be exhausted

    • tendency towards being a “people pleaser”, and not having strong boundaries.

  • tendency towards being perfectionists and may have an obsessive nature like eating disorders, exercise obsession, etc.

  • immune susceptibility and allergic constitutions, such as eczema, glandular fever, cold sores, food intolerances, mould issues, etc.

  • history of hormonal imbalances, absent menses, PCOS and endometriosis

The syphilis miasm

Can include the presentation(s) and/or family history of:

  • tongue tie

  • children with night terrors

  • family history of mental health issues such as deep depression, drug abuse, alcoholism, anxiety, trauma, suicide, OCD

  • family history of heart attack

  • autoimmune such as type 1 diabetes, Hashimoto’s, psoriasis, etc.

  • there can be an affinity for the veins, including varicose veins, poor circulation and excessive nosebleeds

  • repeated miscarriage

  • family history of dementia

  • twin trait and/or left-handers

If you feel like your health is stuck or you’re curious to understand your genetic predispositions, you can book in for a 1:1 consultation with me.

During an initial consultation we cover many topics including your personal medical history and your family’s medical history, which gives us insight into your potential chronic disease susceptibility and generational trauma, and an appropriate homeopathic prescription can be given to help your body clear genetic predispositions and truly heal.

This is NOT medical advice. This is for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or heal you. Naturopathy and homeopathic prescriptions require a full case history for personalised care. and recommendations Please speak to your health practitioner or book in for a 1:1 consultation for personalised advice.