Histaminum - Natural Antihistamine Function


Let’s talk about histamine because I feel like it’s been unfairly given a bad name.

You see, histamine is good (and needed) in healthy amounts - histamine triggers an immune response, however when there’s overactive immune system/too much histamine, it can trigger an allergy response. Histamine-overload related symptoms including allergies, hayfever, sinusitis, hives, headaches/migraines, brain fog and immune dsyfunction.

Histaminum is a key natural antihistamine. It’s non-drowsy and can be used in all life stages, including newborns, children, pregnancy and the elderly.

Chances are, you or someone you love, has allergies. Allergies are incredibly common - almost 20% of Aussies has an allergic disease, and it is predicated that by 2050, the number of patients affected by allergies in Aus will increase by 70%.

Histaminium is something you can throw in your first aid cabinet, handbag or have on-hand if you’re prone to hayfever, allergies, hives, sinusitis and skin issues.

Now, histaminum is a handy remedy to use acutely, but for long-term immune resilience, you will often need a deeper acting homeopathic remedy. Speak to your homeopath or book a 1:1 consultation with Olivia, so you can get to the root cause(s) of your histamine issues and/or allergy tendencies.

As always, this is not medical advice - it is not intended to diagnose, treat or heal. It is for informational purposes only. Please speak to your health practitioner for personalised advice.

Olivia McFadyen