Homeopathic Detox Therapy


“From the moment of their conception to the present day, a person comes into contact with many harmful substances. The body has excellent ways of elimination these substances, but gradually the toxins accumulate, and the detox pathways are compromised. A blueprint of negative imprint remains. Common damaging exposures include vaccinations, contraceptives, antibiotics and other medications, radiation and poisonous industrial chemicals”. Tom Jansen.

Homeopathy detox therapy (HDT) aims to detoxify, balance, and restore. It uses a multi-pronged approach to reprogram the body at a deep, cellular level.

HDT can also help detoxify, restore and heal the body, after cases of “never well since” and health disturbances, such as post-viral fatigue, heavy metal/pesticide exposure, headaches, migraines, mental health problems, burnout, herpes, eczema, psoriasis, acne, allergies, autoimmune diseases  

For example, a commonly prescribed homeopathic in HDT is the Poly Bowel Nosode, which is intestinal flora combined with enzymes and candida – it contains the whole range of healthy intestinal flora and gives the body a blueprint of how the flora should look. The Poly Bowel Nosode provides the correct blueprint so you can restore balance in the gut, after gut disruptions or challenges - Ton Jansen.

I often incorporate the Poly Bowel Nosode after antibiotics/medications, candida, bloating, reflux, IBS, IBS, coealic disease, Crohn’s disease and a range of gut, immune, allergic, and metabolic issues. After all, we know that the gut is the seat of our health, and you need a thriving gut microbiome for optimal health.


A course of HDT typically lasts for 4 -8 weeks – you take one remedy in different potencies– you start at the lower dose (at 30c 0r 200C) and work your way up through higher potencies (10M or 50M). Moving through these potencies is often the most effective and deep-acting, with the least reactions.

Another commonly prescribed homeopathic as part of HDT is Folliculinum, which is a key homeopathic that’s prescribed after oral contraceptive pill use, and/or to support ovulation & healthy hormones. Keep in mind that the oral contraceptive pill ‘switches off’ the reproductive system. This homeopathic remedy, Folliculinum, is made from natural oestrogen, and helps with the oestrogen surge leading up to ovulation, which is why folliculinum stimulates ovulation, helps with cervical mucous production and enhances fertility. Without healthy stringy cervical mucous, mid-cycle, the sperm cannot swim up to fertilise the egg. With Folliculinum, it’s often best taken once a week and also on day 10-day 14 of a menstrual cycle (as this is when oestrogen should peak). Often within 1-2 months of using Folliculinum women notice a healthier cycle with less PMT, more cervical mucous, enhanced libido and a regular cycle length. In fact, research has shown that 90% of women with PMS experience improvement after homeopathic treatment.

As you can see, there’s a number of homeopathic medicines that can be used as part of a HDT so please speak to Olivia for a personalised approach.

For more information on HDT - Fighting Fire With Fire Homeopathic Detox Therapy. Ton Jansen

Olivia McFadyen